miercuri, 20 octombrie 2010

Ce este meşteşugul?

  • DEX '98
  • Wikipedia
  • Francisc Şirato, Prospecţiuni plastice, Ed. De Stat pt. Literatură şi Artă, ’58, Despre meşteşugul la artist, pp. 103-104

MEŞTEŞÚG, meşteşuguri, s. n. I. 1. Meserie; p. gener. profesiune, ocupaţie, îndeletnicire; meşteşugărie. 2. Ramură, disciplină (a ştiinţei, a artei); ştiinţă, artă, considerate ca discipline. ♦ Stil (artistic). 3. Pricepere, îndemânare, abilitate, talent. ♦ Artă, măiestrie; (rar) acţiune realizată cu pricepere, cu măiestrie. 4. Acţiune făcută (în ascuns) cu dibăcie,
cu viclenie, în vederea atingerii unui scop; procedeu, sistem (ingenios, viclean). ♦ (Pop.) Viclenie, tertip, înşelătorie. II. (Înv. şi pop.; concr.) 1. Unealtă, instrument. 2. Dispozitiv al unui obiect; parte componentă (cu rol activ) a unui sistem; meşteşugire. – Din magh. mesterség. (Sursa: Dex ’98)

A craft is a skill, especially involving practical arts. It may refer to a trade or particular art. The term is often used as part of a longer word (and also in the plural).

For example, a craft-brother is a fellow worker in a particular trade and a craft-guild is, historically, a guild of workers in the same trade. "Ringcraft" is part of a boxer's skill. See some further examples below. The term crafts is often used to describe the family of artistic practices within the family decorative arts that traditionally are defined by their relationship to functional or utilitarian products (such as sculptural forms in the vessel tradition) or by their use of such natural media as wood, clay, glass, textiles, and metal. Crafts practiced by independent artists working alone or in small groups are often referred to as studio craft.

Studio craft includes studio pottery, metal work, weaving, wood turning and other forms of wood working, glass blowing, and glass art. In English, to describe something as a craft is to describe it as lying somewhere between an art (which relies on talent) and a science (which relies on knowledge). In this sense, the English word craft is roughly equivalent to the ancient Greek term techne. Folk art follows craft traditions, in contrast to fine art or "high art".

Etimology: From Old English cræft (compare Old Frisian creft), with the sense shift to "skill, art" probably leading to the related "trade", thus the first nautical use (1671) relating to smaller vessels (nautical use for tools of fishing trade unclear).

Noun: craft (countable and uncountable; plural craft or crafts)
  1. (countable, plural: crafts) The skilled practice of a practical occupation.
  2. (countable, plural: crafts) A particular kind of skilled work.
  3. (uncountable) Shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception.
Translations: as a skilled practice:
  • Armenian: արհեստ (arhest)
  • Bulgarian: занаят m., професия f.
  • Czech: řemeslo n.
  • Dutch: stiel m., vak n.
  • Esperanto: fako, metio
  • German: Handwerk
  • Irish: ceird f.
  • Maltese: sengħa, artiġjanat
  • Polish: rzemiosło n.
  • Portuguese: arte m., ofício m.
  • Serbian: zanat, zanatstvo
  • Spanish: oficio m.
  • Finnish: taito
An artisan (from Italian: artigiano) is a skilled manual worker who makes items that may be functional or strictly decorative, including furniture, clothing, jewelry, household items, and tools. The term can also be used as an adjective to refer to the craft of hand making food products, such as bread, beverages and cheese. Manufacture by hand and with hand tools imparts unique and individual qualities to artisanal products, in contrast to mass produced goods where every one is nearly identical. Artisans traditionally work in media such as stone, wood, ceramics, glass, common and precious metals, basketry, textiles, esparto grass, leather, fur, wax, paper, and flowers.

Artisan origins: Artisans were the dominant producers of goods before the Industrial Revolution. According to Classical economics theory, the division of labor occurs with internal market development (Adam Smith). However, according to economist John Hicks, merchants and artisans originated as servants to the rulers, which occurred much earlier. Artisans employ creative thinking and manual dexterity to produce their goods.

Medieval artisans
During the Middle Ages the term "artisan" was applied to those who made things or provided services. It did not apply to unskilled laborers. Artisans were divided into two distinct groups: those who operated their own business, and those who did not. Those who owned their businesses were called masters, while the latter were the journeymen and apprentices. One misunderstanding many people have about this social group is that they picture them as "workers" in the modern sense: employed by someone. The most influential group among the artisans were the masters, the business owners. The owners enjoyed a higher social status in their communities. Sursa: wikipedia.

“Dar, lucru curios, meşteşugul am început să-l pierdem din momentul în care învăţămîntul liber predat în atelierele pictorilor a trecut în instituţii (...), organizate în spirit eclectic, cu profesori ce nu mi erau maeştri şi cu elevi ce nu mai erau ucenici.Condica de prezenţă din biroul Academiei ne convinge că din contactul de două ori pe săptămînă al elevului cu profesorul, strîmt la cap şi la jachetă, nu a putut naşte atmosfera de calm abandon necesară celui aplicat cu tot sufletul în cercetarea corelaţiunilor dintre fenomenele naturii. Sălile de cursuri academice lipsite de interes au fost părăsite de temperamentele mai vii. Tinereţea lor a fost silită să-şi alcătuiască, totusi, meşteşugul trebuincios, pe apucate. Lipsind controlul sever al autocriticii, care creşte numai pe terenul unei culturi intensive a meşteşugului, diletantismul barbar năvăleşte în arta contemporană. Importanţa meşteşugului este azi o problemă general resimţită şi se impune ca o problemă ce-şi aşteaptă rezolvarea. În această direcţie fiind încă totul de făcut la noi, este timpul ca ea să preocupe, cu deosebire, nu numai cercurile artistice. Înainte de toate se impune o reformă radicală a învăţămîntului Şcolilor Artei Frumoase.

Meşteşugul nu este decît ştiinţă aplicată; ştiinţă care fecundată de sentiment va naşte opera de artă integral realizată.

Orice artă implică şi meşteşug, fără de care arta recade în barbaria vremilor primitive , sau, ceea ce ar fi mai rău, în pustiul diletantismului pretenţios.

(Francisc Şirato, Prospecţiuni plastice, Ed. De Stat pt. Literatură şi Artă, ’58, Despre meşteşugul la artist, pp. 103-104)

(text apărut în MEŢERIAŞII I/06)

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